Wishing You a Crochet Filled 2016
January brings feelings of new beginnings and thoughtful resolutions though my (Dana) new year feels like it started in October with an fabulous new job (Interweave Crochet – #fwcommunity) working for an awesome boss (Marcy Smith) in a new city (Fort Collins) as a single woman (goodbye troubled marriage).
So now that the new beginnings are established…I’m left with resolutions. This year I’m going to look at resolutions differently. I’m going to focus on the things I enjoy and resolve to do more of them. It’s a matter of perspective, really. I’m not going to worry so much about what I should do, but look at behaviors that are good for me and that I enjoy and do more of those.
So, for 2016, here’s to
- more crochet
- more mountain biking
- more working hard
- more relaxing with a good book
- more heartfelt time with friends and family
As for mountain biking…pictures of my twin sister really inspire me to want to get out and ride…and incoporate crochet alongside it!

Crochet and Mountain Biking…who knew they worked so well together! Here’s Deborah yarn bombing a friends bike rack.

Deborah really is my mountain biking inspiration…and apparently the guys stop and take notice, too!
For 2016, we plan for Yarnovations to be more of the same. Deborah and I will bring you fun and quirky designs of crocheted projects that we are inspired to make on the spur of the moment or have planned way in advance.
We are currently working on a dishie series. We will publish a dishcloth and other kitchen/household item once a month using FibraNatura Good Earth. This series, sponsored by Universal Yarn, is a great way to learn new techniques on smaller projects. It’s going to be a lot of fun.
Happy New Year from one hooked crocheter to another.