Loomette Weave #1 is one of our favorite weaves. It’s easy to memorize and adds just a little bit of texture that can really add depth to a fabric. It’s fun to weave because you are skipping more strands. But the floats aren’t too long so they won’t get out of hand.
Below is Loomette Weave #1 woven with Vanna’s Choice yarn on a 4″ loom.

How to Weave Loomette Weave #1 on a Pin Loom
This pin loom weaving pattern begins and ends with plain weave which helps the fabric hold it’s structure. Here’s how to weave it:
Key: U = Under, O = Over
Row 1: Plain Weave (U1, O1) across finishing with U1.
Row 2: (U3, O1) 7 times, U3.
Row 3: U1, O1, (U3, O1) 7 times, U1
Rows 4-15: Repeat Rows 2 and 3. Use Row 2 for all the even rows, and Row 3 for all the odd rows.
Row 16: Plain weave.
Below is a photo of how your Loomette Weave 1 should look when you have woven all 16 rows and before you remove it from the pin loom.

Taking Loomette Weave #1 to the Next Level
Once you’ve tried Loomette Weave #1, you can incorporate it into most any project. And once you’ve got the technique mastered, you can modify it to create other really fun designs. eLoomaNation.com has vintage weaving booklets available for download that show Loomette Weave #1 and lots of other really fun designs.
Below is a photo of pin loom woven squares with the letter C woven into them. They were created with a bit of plain weave and a bit of (U3, O1) like Loomette #1. Here we demonstrate how different yarns impact the texture.

We’ve create a pattern collection of the entire alphabet A-Z plus numbers 0-9 and turned it into a fun and whimsical baby blanket. Learn more about the Pin Looms Alphabet Set and Numbers Baby Blanket on Etsy.
This baby blanket illustrates the textures you can create when you weave (U3, O1) in strategic places in your weaving. The blanket is made entirely of 4″ pin loom squares and edged in crochet.